Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday: Mailbox/What Am I Reading?

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. It has finally found a permanent  home at Mailbox Monday with the following new administrators:

Leslie of Under My Apple Tree
Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit
Vicki of I'd Rather Be at the Beach

After a long time, I received a poetry book:

The Book of Men by Dorianne LauxThe narrative poems in Dorianne Laux's fifth collection charge through the summer of love, where Vietnam casts a long shadow, and into the present day, where she compassionately paints the smoky bars, graffiti, and addiction of urban life. Laux is "continually engaging and, at her best, luminous". 

To Kiss Frank

 make out with him a bit, 
this is what my friend would like to do
oh these too many dead summers later, 
and as much as I want to stroll with her 
into the poet's hazy fancy 
all I can see is O'Hara's long gone lips 
fallen free of the bone, slumbering 
beneath the grainy soil.


Hosted by Sheila @ One Person's Journey Through a World of BooksWe discuss the books that we've read and what we're planning to read for the week.

I have read 151 books till date, in 2015....


Unknown said...

Enjoy your poetry book!

Harvee44 said...

It looks wonderful, Gautami. Enjoy!

Elizabeth said...

ENJOY your poetry book. I never could get into poetry, but you enjoy.

Have a wonderful week.

Silver's Reviews
My Mailbox Monday

Mary (Bookfan) said...

I hope you love it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the poem. I really like it.

Serena said...

Ooo Book of Men sounds great! Happy reading

The Reading Date said...

Thanks for sharing that lovely poem. Hope the rest of your book is fantastic.