Sunday, April 28, 2013

24 Hour Read-A-Thon: Hour 18 and a few mini challenges

First I gotta ask, where are the cheerleaders?

Going pretty slow. Still reading The Runaway Jury by John Grisham. I am on page 172.

Had to do household work. Also been invited for lunch. Will be leaving for that in 2 hours time.

Thought of doing a few mini challenges:

Nea’s Share a Quote 

“She was pondering the option of law school, the great American baby-sitter for directionless postgrads.” 

― John GrishamThe Runaway Jury

Alexis presents Turn the Page

"I would rather read than struck a mighty blow at the establishment any day!"

-John GrishamThe Runaway Jury

Andi presents Six Word Celebration!

Time to go out and play!!

Stacy presents Cover Me

1) Lets Expolre Diabetes With Owls
2) Hattie Ever After
3) Without Summer
4) Homemade Love
5) The Secret of Happy Ever After
6) Garden Stones
7) Dark Triumph
8) Prince of Power
9) Hysteria


Anonymous said...

It's important to go out and play during the read-a-thon! You need to take care of your eyes :)

gautami tripathy said...

Yes, Stacy. I do. That is one reason I am NOT stressing on going faster....

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

Congrats on making your readathon a blast!

Nea said...

hehe, love the quote!! :) Hope you've enjoyed the readathoN!! :)

cheap jerseys said...

Thanks for posting this.This is awesome!!