Thursday, June 28, 2012

Booking Through Teacher

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Margaret of BooksPlease asks:

Who taught you to read?

My mom taught to read the alphabets, dad used to get me kiddie story books. My brothers read them aloud for me. And when I started to all on my own, I do not really remember. The above too, I have told by my dad. I do recall my dad telling us stories from the Hindu Scriptures. Till date, I can recall each and everything he narrated to us. I did read the scriptures at a later date.


Gigi Ann said...

I remember when I learned to read and I've loved it every since.

Aishah Waheed said...

That's great having a parent who can help you. For me it was quite tough had to get all the help from school.

My BTT here

Aishah Waheed said...

That's great!

My BTT here

CMash said...

I can't remember but made an assumption as to how I was taught. Have a great upcoming weekend!

Juli Rahel said...

I love how for many people reading is a family thing! It makes it so much more enjoyable! Thanks for sharing :D
Juli @ Universe in WOrds

bermudaonion said...

I'm not really sure who taught me to read. I don't remember not knowing how.

Cathy De Los Santos said...

Yea i think my mom did too. So hard to remember. Here's my BTT

Unknown said...

I can recall it vividly. My first grade teacher, Mrs. Thomas, whom I thought was the meanest person in the world, taught me using the Dick and Jane readers.

I had must moved to Florida and was behind the rest of the class. I was in the lowest reading group, by myself, alone. Cue violins.

Anonymous said...

It's great how you learned to read.

Unknown said...

I read at an early age, somewhat self- taught.

Kyle Adams said...

I don't remember because I was so young, but my sister, who is two years older than me, used to read to me often. She'd sit me on the couch when I was 1 or 2 and read to me. She was very advanced for her age, and she loved to read stories to me. I wish I could remember it.