Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Top Ten Books Written In The Past 10 Years That I Hope People Are Still Reading In 30 Years

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted over at The Broke and the BookishEach week, we get a theme to list our top tens. 

This Week's Pick: Top Ten Books Written In The Past 10 Years That I Hope People Are Still Reading In 30 Years

Here goes:

1) The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini
2) A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini
3) Harry Potter Series by J K Rowling
4) The Road by Cormac McCarthy
5) The Millennium Trilogy by Steig Larsson

Well, if you carefully count, I have listed more than ten books!


bermudaonion said...

The only one I've read on your list is the Harry Potter books.

Jo-Jo said...

I totally agree with The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns...amazing novels! I haven't read the Larsson series yet though, but I do have the first 2 books on my kindle.

Tanya Patrice said...

Loved The Millennium series and of course The Harry Potter books. Awesome list.