Friday, September 17, 2010

BBAW: Future Treasures

I don't set any blogging goals. I do it on my own pace and own time. I don't even go for template changes. As I join minimal challenges, I don't have to rush through anything. 

Yes, sometimes I read more. At times, I read nothing. Like this month. Only one book till date! Too bad, is it not? 

I did all the daily topics for BBAW, but in my way stilted way! And I visited most of those on my google. No other! I already have wonderful network of great book bloggers. A few I had discovered before the BBAW

I look forward to read a lot for  the Dewey's 24 hour Read-a-Thon, and RIP V challenge! And maybe buy some great books. What else?

What about you?


Anonymous said...

Totally my thoughts. I really don't have any plans for the blog at all. Just don't know what I am going to write for this feature~

Anonymous said...

I like the way you do things your way. And I think it makes you happy:)

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

I'm ready for RIP V too!

Here is my post

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'll definitely see you at the read-a-thon, then! I'm looking forward to it a lot!

Happy reading and blogging!

April (BooksandWine) said...

Yay so excited for the readathon!

It's nice that you don't have any defined goals for the blog, leaves the future wide and open!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Can't WAIT for the readathon!! Yay!

Melissa said...

It's great that you do what you want and how you want. I think that is what everyone needs to do, whether that is goal setting or not.

Good luck and thanks for stopping by my site!

bermudaonion said...

I don't really have any goals either - just to keep doing the best I can.

Care said...

I'm loving RIP V and am psyched for Read-A-Thon. Happy BBAW and ONWARD.


Thanks for inviting me over. I still have so many new bloggers to visit from BBAW. I've loved discovering so many new and different blogs. I hadn't quite posted my BBAW Future Treasures but it's there now if you'd like to read it. I do have plenty of goals. But I think it's great you're happy with your blog just the way it is.

That is what is so great about having your own blog, no one can tell you what to do with it. I love that. No one can tell me to put this on it or that on it. That's the best.

Happy Friday!


Jamie said...

I think I'm going to participate in a readathon this year!

Anonymous said...

I really wanted to do that read-a-thon, but I have a crafting meetup group for 5 hours that day, so it looks like I will have to wait for the next one!

Trina said...

Thanks for inviting me over. I love that you're doing you're own thing. Good for you!! I like the way you think.

TexasRed said...

I'm in for the RIP V, but haven't done any of the read-a-thons yet.

Alyce said...

I enjoyed your posts! I've had to sort my feed reader into many folders so that I'm not overwhelmed, but I do like finding new blogs.

Anna said...

I admire your attitude!

Pixie said...

Great goals. Both of those challenges look like they would be fun to participate in.

Amy said...

Not having specific goals and enjoying just reading and blogging is a great way to do it.

Unknown said...

Finding your own way is what it is all about. I am excited to follow!

brizmus said...

heh, you sound like me! That's absolutely perfect! :-)

Julie P. said...

I love that you read at your own pace. I need to take some of your advice! :)

Chachic said...

I think it's good that you don't have goals for your blog because it means you like where you are right now. :)

Stephanie said...

I need to remind myself not to rush sometimes too. It's not a race and I should just read at my own pace.

Anonymous said...

I'm bad with any resolutions when it comes to blogging as well. To me, the fun of BBAW was actually visiting the blogs I didn't visit before :)

Julie said...

I'm doing the 24-hour readathon, too! I think it will be much fun! I only compete in challenges now and again, and had to bow out of doing BBAW this year due to being behind because of not having Internet for almost a month, but I plan to do it next year.

Julie @ knitting and Sundries

Tribute Books said...

Looking forward to the readathon.