Every Tuesday Diane from Bibliophile By the Sea hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where participants share the first paragraph (or a few) of a book they are reading or thinking about reading soon.
"Oh, just look at that. Three cars with blacked out windows have just pulled up. And those men look like bodyguards. and ---oh, my you have to look, dear, it's like something out of a movie. I swear they have guns. And the most gorgeous man you've ever seen has just stepped onto the tarmac. He's got to be at least six foot three and spectacular to look at! And what sort of man needs all that security? I wonder who he's meeting?
"Me." Laurel rose to her feet with all the enthusiasm of a condemned man preparing to walk to the gallows. "His name is Cristiano Domencio Ferrara and he's my husband."
Once a Ferrara Wife by Sarah Morgan
Laurel comes back to Sicily to attend her best friend's wedding. Her best friend is her estranged husband's sister. Laurel and Cristiano are in the midst of a divorce. Laurel has trust issues and there is a huge misunderstanding between them.
Right from the beginning there is angst, tension, anger and contempt. Intense, so intense that, with so much emotions and feelings. Cristiano does not understand why Laurel walked out on him. And Laurel is not willing to say much.
As soon, Cristiano finds out, we see him making amends. He is not averse to expressing his emotions. Laurel is the one who has problems doing that.
The dialogues are very good. And it is a great emotional journey throughout the novel. The way Cristiano gifts Laurel one of her fairy tales dreams is very endearing. He is a hero worth loving and so macho that he is not at all afraid to show his feelings for Laurel to everyone.
I have read a lot of Sarah Morgan novels after this. An romance author worth reading. Go for her novels.