Thursday, June 14, 2012

Booking Through Do-Over

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Have you ever bought a book, started reading it and then realised you have already read it? If so, how far did you get? And–did you keep reading??

It happened to me when I was younger. I bought a book by Enid Blyton and found out I had read it before. And yes, I kept reading and finished it at one go! Come to think of it, I owned many copies of the same books, by Enid Blyton. I SO loved her books! I have owned a few copies of Jane Eyre too!


Pam (@iwriteinbooks) said...

Huh! So many people have done this! I guess I'm in the minority on this one!

Cathy De Los Santos said...

I think we've all done it. It's so funny though isn't it though. Here's my Thursday meme's
if you get a chance Check out my Giveaway

Cathy De Los Santos said...

Let's try that again Thursday meme's

bermudaonion said...

I've done that more than once! lol

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Interesting question and response....


Anonymous said...

A great question.

Unknown said...

It happens, it happened awhile back, but I realized it right off.

beccabooklover said...

It hasn't happened to me before but I also own several copies of the same book Pride and Prejudice and The Hobbit being just two of many others! Here's my answer for this week :)

Bev Hankins said...

Stopping by from BTT. I think we've all done it at least once... Here's my long BTT answer.

DawnTreader said...

I wonder if there's any avid reader that never did...
DawnTreader at Beyond the Lone Islands